M:H-10 pm (Food Additive)

M:H-10 + (Fish Pond Supplement)
August 18, 2019
M:H Aqua light
August 18, 2019

M:H-10 pm (Food Additive)

Active Ingredient & Mode of Action : Its increases the growth rate of phyto and zoo planktons in the water , while the amount of fertilizer and manure added to the pond water can be greatly reduce. Thus the risk of oxygen depletion at night time also controlled. The fish enjoy healthier water environment.

The final effects on fish is as follows:

  • Reach bigger size.
  • Fish do not have to keep surfacing all time, especially at night. They can rest relax better.
  •  Better feed conversation ration.
  • Faster growth rate.
  • Better oxygen balance in the water especially late in the night.
  • Better immunity to various infections, virus, fungal or bacterial.
  • Better sales appearance and fetch better price.
  • Better survival rate.
  • Less medical care and expense.

Dosage : Supplement the fish pond water with “ M:H-10 pm ” at the rate of 100 kg fish feed to add “M:H-10 pm” Mix well to apply various location around the pond.

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