About Us

Company Name : GENETICA

Type of Company : PROPRIETORSHIP


Company Background

It is worth mentioning here that after liberation war during 1971 the nation went through a tremendous crisis specially in Agro-based sectors. There were few companies producing agro chemical products but those companies were neither functional nor effective in terms of quality production to cater the great demand. GENETICA came into existence to salvage the situation when few other big companies already have established their name during post war in mid 70's. GENETICA concieve the idea of modern technology and network of distribution which was essential to boost agricultural production and started her commercial operation since 1980. Within a very short time GENETICA established herself as a renowned company in its arena of producing, marketing and selling agro-products. It has started to work successfully by providing support to the huge need of Agro based industry by way of producing agro-products necessary for high yield both in aqua cultural, livestock and agricultural fields.

Quality Control

All the products mentioned above are completely natural and well tested before commercial production. There were no hazardous elements are used in preparing the products. Each and every products were initially experimented prior to distribution and found out to be friendly for both aqua culture and agriculture. It is obvious that farmers are avoiding artificial or synthetic chemicals gradually apprehending damage to the texture of soil and its long-term existence in the environment. After using artificial products farmers have observed two effects. Firstly, tasteless production and secondly, environmental degradation and subsequently facing a number of unknown but harmful diseases. For this reason, farmers have changed their trend and using natural products for their better production. As GENETICA is the first company in introducing natural agro-products, farmers are taking it very friendly and a lucrative out put has been found in their husbandry in recent past decade.


Bangladesh is a country based primarily on agricultural land. Most people are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. Though people of our country engaged in agriculture since long time, they are not aware of the modern agro-chemicals and technologies of using these for their better yield. For that reason dynamic people with modern approach have developed a strategy of focusing the quality materials and methods of using those products which were well tested and experimented and given an enormous result. In order to propagate general awareness GENETICA in many occasion in the past and present given enormous emphasis on following means of communication as her prime objectives.

  • To make aware people /farmers.
  • To make familiar with new ideas and chemicals.
  • To compare the differences between modern and primitive one.
  • To show the out put after implementing/ using both ideas.
  • finally disseminate the modern ideas and invented agro-chemicals.

It goes without saying that Bangladesh is a resourceful country. But due to lack of proper knowledge about the appropriate resource we are unable to improve our economic condition. However, now it is an era of science and technology.New technologies and agro-products are in our hand. We use these products and got the expected results in producing crops. After using the agro-chemicals, it was seen that the production was obviously higher and it was greater than that of previous years while no modern technologies was used. Due to amelioration of the yield it was possible to export the products after meeting the local demand. Subsequently, it is contributed to the national economy.

advertising & communication

To attract and educate growers and agriculturist at grass root level we feel that advertisement & communication is not only essential but must . As highlighted in the objectives GENETICA has already considered following measures and most of these measures are already implemented

  • Effective TV program on assigned topic.
  • Talk show.
  • Advertisement on newspapers.
  • Radio program.
  • Leaflets.
  • Signboard.
  • Documentary film.
  • Seminar.
  • Symposium.
  • Mass communication.

Business Goal

The goal is to provide the quality products at optimum rate to the farmers to enable to produce better crops without hampering the environment. An initial challenging but lucrative effort cannot be reached to its peak without getting any aid from the Government and the other agencies. For instance, if we look at our neighboring country India what we generally observe? India initially and as a member of G-20 which includes influential developing countries pledges to protect farmer’s interest at WTO (World Trade Organization), because they think that “Agriculture in India is not only agriculture, it is a way of life.” If we consider our country in this perspective we are not different from India. We are completely dependent on agriculture. Therefore, we should essentially emphasize on our agriculture and the sectors that are directly or indirectly trying to develop our agro-based fields. So, the burning question is that we need to install some new machinery and expand the factory. For that reason we need the financial & the technical back up and support for the marketing from the concerned authority without delay to boost important sector like Agriculture . GENETICA is relentlessly working to achieve this business goal and planning to expand their business horizon to International level in near future.

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